Sermons from 2019
Back to Sermon ArchiveDecember 22, 2019
Two Witnesses
Pastor: Lacey Andrews Topic: Faith, Christmas Scripture: Luke 2:22–38
December 15, 2019
Pardon My Sin, For It Is Great
Topic: Our Sin, God's Love, Christian Life Scripture: Psalm 25:11
November 24, 2019
Not Under Law, But Under Grace
Series: Book of Romans Topic: Christian Maturity, Christian Life, Grace Scripture: Romans 6:8–14
November 10, 2019
A Fundamental Truth of the Christian Faith
Series: Book of Romans Topic: Christian Life, Christian Maturity, God's Faithfulness, God's Love, God's Promises, Justification Scripture: Romans 6:1–2
November 3, 2019
Scratching Itching Ears
Topic: Christian Life, Christian Maturity, The Church, Christian Leadership Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1–53
October 20, 2019
Walking in Newness of Life
Series: Book of Romans Topic: Christian Life, Christian Maturity Scripture: Romans 6:1–14
October 13, 2019
How Can True Christians Still Live in Sin?
Series: Book of Romans Topic: Christian Life, Christian Maturity Scripture: Romans 6:1–14
September 29, 2019
Christ's One Act of Righteousness
Series: Book of Romans Scripture: Romans 5:12–22
September 15, 2019
God's Free Gift of Salvation
Series: Book of Romans Topic: Christian Life, Hope, Grace, God's Love, Salvation Scripture: Romans 5:12–21
September 8, 2019
The Two Humanities: Adam & Christ
Series: Book of Romans Topic: Christian Life, Our Sin, Salvation, Peace with God, Faith, God's Love Scripture: Romans 5:12–21
September 1, 2019
The Sinfulness of Sin and the Graciousness of Grace
Series: Book of Romans Topic: Grace, Salvation, Our Sin, Hope Scripture: Romans 5:12–21
August 25, 2019
Saved by Christ from the Wrath of God
Series: Book of Romans Topic: God's Love, Christian Life, God's Faithfulness, God's Promises, Salvation Scripture: Romans 5:1–11
August 18, 2019
Assurance of God's Love
Series: Book of Romans Topic: Hope, God's Faithfulness, God's Promises, Peace with God, God's Love Scripture: Romans 5:1–11
August 11, 2019
God's Love Poured into Our Hearts
Series: Book of Romans Topic: Christian Life, God's Promises, Peace with God, Salvation, Hope Scripture: Romans 5:1–11
August 4, 2019
The Road to Christian Maturity
Series: Book of Romans Topic: Christian Maturity Scripture: Romans 5:1–11
July 21, 2019
We Have Peace With God
Series: Book of Romans Topic: Peace with God, Christian Life, God's Promises, God's Faithfulness, Faith, Salvation, Justification Scripture: Romans 5:1–11
July 14, 2019
Being Fully Convicted That God Is Able
Series: Book of Romans Topic: Justification, God's Promises, God's Faithfulness Scripture: Romans 4:18–25
July 7, 2019
He Did Not Weaken in Faith
Series: Book of Romans Topic: Justification, God's Promises, Faith, God's Faithfulness, Abraham, Salvation Scripture: Romans 4:18–25
June 30, 2019
That the Promise May Rest on Faith
Series: Book of Romans Topic: God's Promises, God's Faithfulness, Faith Scripture: Romans 4:13–17
June 23, 2019
What Matters is Faith
Series: Book of Romans Topic: God's Faithfulness, God's Promises, Justification, Salvation, Abraham Scripture: Romans 4:9–12
June 16, 2019
Abraham: Our Forefather According to the Flesh
Series: Book of Romans Topic: Christian Life, Abraham, God's Faithfulness, God's Promises, Justification, Salvation Scripture: Romans 4:1–8
June 9, 2019
Abounding in the Power of the Holy Spirit
Series: Book of Romans Scripture: Romans 4:1–8
April 21, 2019
He is not Here, for He has Risen
Series: Christ's Seven Words from the Cross Topic: Easter Scripture: Matthew 28:6